Reparação de danos nos delitos patrimoniais, A: a terceira via em sintonia com a contemporânea política criminal
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Distrito Federal (Brasil). Ministério Público do Distrito Federal e Territórios
Este trabalho científico tem por escopo legitimar, no contexto dos delitos patrimoniais praticados sem violência ou grave ameaça, a reparação de danos como terceira via de solução, apta a evitar a intervenção do modelo clássico de justiça criminal. Para tanto, propõe-se um método valorativo e material de interpretação da norma penal, que se revela em concreto e segundo o desvalor do resultado, de maneira que o Direito Penal tutele tão somente bens jurídicos que não sejam suficientemente protegidos por outros ramos do Direito e que tenham sido ofendidos de forma relevante e intolerável. Partindo-se de uma pesquisa teórica e histórico-jurídica e tendo em vista a contemporânea política criminal, investigam-se os possíveis efeitos da reparação patrimonial, bem como a sua aptidão de, sob certas condições e circunstâncias, produzir o restabelecimento da paz jurídica e a ressocialização daquele que ofendeu o patrimônio de outrem. Nesse sentido, constatada a anacronia e a assimetria existente no ordenamento jurídico pátrio vigente, sugere-se a relativização do princípio da obrigatoriedade da persecução penal, bem assim a flexibilização do artigo 16 do Código Penal Brasileiro, a fim de que a reparação patrimonial, diante do referencial axiológico compreendido na Constituição Federal, seja entendida como instrumento autônomo de solução.
This scientific work aims to legitimize damage as a third solution in the context of crimes committed against property without violence or serious threat, able to avoid the intervention of the classical model of criminal justice. Therefore, it is proposed as an evaluative and material method of interpretation of the criminal code, which is revealed factually according to the appreciation of the result, in order so that the Criminal Law protects only legal goods which are not sufficiently protected by other branches of the Law and have been offended in a relevant and an intolerable way. In view of the contemporary criminal policy and starting in a theoretical and historical-legal research, we shall investigate the possible effects of patrimonial repair, as well as its aptitude, under certain conditions and some circumstances, to produce the recovery of the legal peace and the resocialization of the one who cause damage to the patrimony of another. Person. In this sense, once observed the asymmetry and anachronism of the national laws in force, it is suggested to apply the relativistic view of the principle of compulsory prosecution, as well as the moderation of article 16 of the Brazilian Penal Code, so that the patrimonial repair, before the axiological reference found in the Federal Constitution, be understood as a standalone instrument of solution.
This scientific work aims to legitimize damage as a third solution in the context of crimes committed against property without violence or serious threat, able to avoid the intervention of the classical model of criminal justice. Therefore, it is proposed as an evaluative and material method of interpretation of the criminal code, which is revealed factually according to the appreciation of the result, in order so that the Criminal Law protects only legal goods which are not sufficiently protected by other branches of the Law and have been offended in a relevant and an intolerable way. In view of the contemporary criminal policy and starting in a theoretical and historical-legal research, we shall investigate the possible effects of patrimonial repair, as well as its aptitude, under certain conditions and some circumstances, to produce the recovery of the legal peace and the resocialization of the one who cause damage to the patrimony of another. Person. In this sense, once observed the asymmetry and anachronism of the national laws in force, it is suggested to apply the relativistic view of the principle of compulsory prosecution, as well as the moderation of article 16 of the Brazilian Penal Code, so that the patrimonial repair, before the axiological reference found in the Federal Constitution, be understood as a standalone instrument of solution.
Crime contra o patrimônio, Brasil., Dano patrimonial, Brasil., Política criminal, Brasil.
FERREIRA, Lucas César Costa. A reparação de danos nos delitos patrimoniais: a terceira via em sintonia com a contemporânea política criminal. Revista do Ministério Público do Distrito Federal e Territórios, Brasília, n. 7, p. 369-416, 2013. Disponível em: Acesso em: 14 jul. 2022.