Ministério Público como cláusula pétrea: análise à luz da proposta de Emenda Constitucional 75 de 2011, O
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Distrito Federal (Brasil). Ministério Público do Distrito Federal e Territórios
O Ministério Público, à luz do neoconstitucionalismo, foi consagrado por nossa Magna Carta como Instituição permanente essencial na defesa da cidadania e da democracia, bem como na efetivação da ordem social justa. Além do mais, o Ministério Público desempenha uma função indispensável à efetivação dos direitos fundamentais, pois nosso ordenamento tem como um dos valores supremos a dignidade da pessoa humana, o que atribui à instituição status de cláusula pétrea. Não podendo ser suprimido nem restringido pelo Poder Constituinte Derivado. Recentemente foi proposta a Emenda Constitucional nº 75, que pretende acabar com a vitaliciedade dos membros do Ministério Público, possibilitando sua demissão por decisão administrativa do Conselho Nacional do Ministério Público (CNMP). Uma vez que se trata de uma instituição permanente responsável pela defesa da ordem jurídica e do regime democrático, qualquer tentativa de reforma constitucional que vier a suprimir o Ministério Público da Constituição, como ocorre com a PEC 75, culminaria na supressão do próprio regime democrático, da ordem jurídica e dos direitos fundamentais. Retirar as garantias dos membros do Ministério Público seria o mesmo que retirar da sociedade alguns direitos a ela garantidos constitucionalmente, pois é justamente por meio dessas garantias constitucionais que ele vai proteger a ordem jurídica, o regime democrático e os direitos fundamentais constitucionais. Sem esse instrumental garantido constitucionalmente, restam prejudicadas todas as finalidades atribuídas ao Ministério Público. Portanto, a PEC 75 esbarra nos limites materiais de reforma impostos por nossos constituintes de 1988, o que a torna inconstitucional.
The Prosecution Service of the Union (MPU) was consecrated by our Magna Carta as a permanent institution essential to the defense of citizenship and democracy, as well as to the realization of just social order, in the light of neoconstitutionalism. In addition, the MPU plays a crucial role to the enforcement of fundamental rights, because our legal system has the human dignity as one its supreme values, what gives to the institution the status of entrenchment clause, not allowing it to be suppressed nor restricted by the Derivative Constituent Power. Recently it was proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 75 (PEC 75), which aims to end the tenure of Prosecution Ser vice of the Union members, allowing his dismissal by an administrative decision of the National Public Prosecution Council (CNMP). As it is about a permanent institution, responsible for defense of legal and democratic system, any attempt at constitutional reform that may suppress the Prosecution Service of the Union of the Constitution, as suggests the PEC 75, would lead to the suppression of the democratic regime itself, of the legal order and of the fundamental rights. Withdraw the guarantees of the MPU members would be the same as removing from society some of its constitutionally guaranteed rights, because it is precisely through these constitutional guarantees that the MPU will protect the legal order, the democratic system and the constitutional fundamental rights. Without this constitutionally guaranteed instrumental remain damaged all purposes attributed to MPU members. Therefore, the PEC 75 comes up against the reform material limits imposed by our constituents in 1988, making it unconstitutional.
The Prosecution Service of the Union (MPU) was consecrated by our Magna Carta as a permanent institution essential to the defense of citizenship and democracy, as well as to the realization of just social order, in the light of neoconstitutionalism. In addition, the MPU plays a crucial role to the enforcement of fundamental rights, because our legal system has the human dignity as one its supreme values, what gives to the institution the status of entrenchment clause, not allowing it to be suppressed nor restricted by the Derivative Constituent Power. Recently it was proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 75 (PEC 75), which aims to end the tenure of Prosecution Ser vice of the Union members, allowing his dismissal by an administrative decision of the National Public Prosecution Council (CNMP). As it is about a permanent institution, responsible for defense of legal and democratic system, any attempt at constitutional reform that may suppress the Prosecution Service of the Union of the Constitution, as suggests the PEC 75, would lead to the suppression of the democratic regime itself, of the legal order and of the fundamental rights. Withdraw the guarantees of the MPU members would be the same as removing from society some of its constitutionally guaranteed rights, because it is precisely through these constitutional guarantees that the MPU will protect the legal order, the democratic system and the constitutional fundamental rights. Without this constitutionally guaranteed instrumental remain damaged all purposes attributed to MPU members. Therefore, the PEC 75 comes up against the reform material limits imposed by our constituents in 1988, making it unconstitutional.
Ministério público, aspectos constitucionais, Brasil., Cláusula pétrea, Brasil., Emenda constitucional, Brasil., Brasil. Constituição (1988). Emenda n. 75.
RODRIGUES, Raquel Ediane. O Ministério Público como cláusula pétrea: análise à luz da proposta de Emenda Constitucional 75 de 2011. Revista do Ministério Público do Distrito Federal e Territórios, Brasília, v. 1, n. 6, p. 39-90, 2012. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 jul. 2022.