Proporcionalidade e direito penal: por uma interpretação constitucionalmente adequada da hipótese de concurso de crimes de estupro
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Distrito Federal (Brasil). Ministério Público do Distrito Federal e Territórios
A Lei nº 12.015/09 trouxe nova conformação legal aos que antes se denominavam “Crimes contra os Costumes”, passando a chamá-los “Crimes contra a Dignidade Sexual”. Os crimes de estupro e atentado violento ao pudor foram unificados em um único tipo penal, art. 213, sob a denominação somente de Estupro. A partir disto, passou-se a questionar doutrinária e jurisprudencialmente qual a natureza do novo tipo penal, se misto alternativo ou misto cumulativo, e, se misto cumulativo, que concurso de crimes opera quando há prática no mesmo contexto fático e contra a mesma vítima de atos de conjunção carnal e outros atos libidinosos, ou seja, concurso material, concurso formal de crimes ou, ainda, crime continuado. Sob tal conformação, e dotando-a de um crivo constitucional, o princípio da proporcionalidade é explorado sob a vertente da proibição da proteção penal insuficiente, já que é indubitável que a Constituição impõe um dever de proteção ao bem jurídico liberdade sexual, concluindo-se que, uma interpretação de que ocorre crime único na hipótese levantada vai de encontro à teoria dos tipos mistos e também ao princípio da proporcionalidade, ocorrendo hipótese de inconstitucionalidade por proteção penal deficiente.
Brazilian Federal Law 12.015/09 brought new legal status to the crimes against morals and named them as crimes against sexual dignity. The crimes of rape and indecent assaults became unified into a single criminal offense and were both defined as rape, as you can see in article 213 of Brazilian Criminal Code. So, doctrine and jurisprudence started to argue on the nature of the new criminal offense about how to deal with it, whether mixed alternative or mixed cumulative. If the new criminal offense is interpreted as mixed cumulative, which accumulation of crimes operates when practiced in the same factual context and against the same victim of rape and other sexual acts. In other words, if such hypothesis occurs, the crime may be analyzed as tender material crime, formal tender crimes, or even continuing offense. Under such conformation, the constitutional principle of proportionality can be exploited under the aspect of prohibition of insufficient legal protection, as long as there is no doubt about the Constitutional Guarantee of protection of sexual freedom. So, it´s assumed that if those crimes are considered as only one, it would violate the mixed criminal offense theory and the principle of proportionality, what may lead to an unconstitutional issue.
Brazilian Federal Law 12.015/09 brought new legal status to the crimes against morals and named them as crimes against sexual dignity. The crimes of rape and indecent assaults became unified into a single criminal offense and were both defined as rape, as you can see in article 213 of Brazilian Criminal Code. So, doctrine and jurisprudence started to argue on the nature of the new criminal offense about how to deal with it, whether mixed alternative or mixed cumulative. If the new criminal offense is interpreted as mixed cumulative, which accumulation of crimes operates when practiced in the same factual context and against the same victim of rape and other sexual acts. In other words, if such hypothesis occurs, the crime may be analyzed as tender material crime, formal tender crimes, or even continuing offense. Under such conformation, the constitutional principle of proportionality can be exploited under the aspect of prohibition of insufficient legal protection, as long as there is no doubt about the Constitutional Guarantee of protection of sexual freedom. So, it´s assumed that if those crimes are considered as only one, it would violate the mixed criminal offense theory and the principle of proportionality, what may lead to an unconstitutional issue.
Estupro, Brasil., Crime contra a dignidade sexual, Brasil., Concurso de crimes, Brasil., Princípio da proporcionalidade, Brasil.
CERQUEIRA, Ericson dos Santos. Proporcionalidade e direito penal: por uma interpretação constitucionalmente adequada da hipótese de concurso de crimes de estupro. Revista do Ministério Público do Distrito Federal e Territórios, Brasília, v. 1, n. 5, p. 205-238, 2011. Disponível em: Acesso em: 26 nov. 2021.